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Petty Theft!

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 9:39 am
by General_Nate
Will other players be able to steal other players ships? Maybe there is like a region that will kill anyone but the owner of the ship, or somthing.... Or just make a law about it. What do you think?

Re: Pety Theft!

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 11:58 am
by Par3210
i think there should be a law. But no deathregions or anything. That would get plain confusing and glitchy.

Re: Pety Theft!

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 12:08 pm
by Crazy_Ewok ... 72#p251072

I think that is how to prevent someone from stealing a ship. I'm not sure if that's what Repsharpshooter wants us to do or not.

Re: Pety Theft!

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 12:27 pm
by General_Nate
I hope so! From the looks of the city so far, you will need a ship to get around. And since there are no spawns, if someone steals it, it's gone forever. I think I'll do that if rep says ok. (and tells me how... :? )

Re: Pety Theft!

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 12:34 pm
by RepSharpshooter
Yeah I could either do that, or have an OnEnterVehicle function that tracks any time someone gets in the vehicle, and boots them out if they're not me. The problem is then passengers. In both cases, passengers would not be allowed to get in it. And in both cases it would be difficult to program for every single person's ships.

The easiest solution would be to make it a rule, and have everyone follow it. But as you know some people don't follow rules unless you force them to. If only our vehicles had keys. The second OnEnterVehicle option may be the best. It could be coded so that a passenger could get in only when I'm in the vehicle, but what about this scenario:

I take my friend out in a speeder to the outskirts to go exploring. Some punk shoots me but my buddy is alive. He now cannot get into my speeder to get away. OR I am in my speeder and some punk gets in and won't get out, until I do and he steals my speeder.

I think the best solution here is a good group of well-armed friends :)

edit: oh and you need spawns. Placing a vehicle in ze as an odf doesn't work online. Sure you could make the respawn time infinite, but honestly if a punk blew up my ship I'd want it back.

Re: Pety Theft!

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 12:44 pm
by General_Nate
Yeah I could either do that, or have an OnEnterVehicle function that tracks any time someone gets in the vehicle, and boots them out if they're not me. The problem is then passengers. In both cases, passengers would not be allowed to get in it. And in both cases it would be difficult to program for every single person's ships.
Maybe to get around that you could make a rule that you may only have 1 seat in you ship.
I take my friend out in a speeder to the outskirts to go exploring. Some punk shoots me but my buddy is alive. He now cannot get into my speeder to get away. OR I am in my speeder and some punk gets in and won't get out, until I do and he steals my speeder.

Maybe instead of you riding in one speeder, you buddy takes his own.
oh and you need spawns. Placing a vehicle in ze as an odf doesn't work online. Sure you could make the respawn time infinite, but honestly if a punk blew up my ship I'd want it back.
Oh, ok I'll put one in!

These are just thoughts, you can disreguard all of them if you like.

Re: Pety Theft!

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 12:50 pm
by Frisbeetarian
You could also ask people to make the config for their vehicle the same as their profile name. That way, instead of a bunch of extra regions, you can compare the config with the profile name with OnEnterVehicle(). This way, each person could have their own vehicle, and it would cut down on a lot of Lua coding.

That said, each person shouldn't need their own vehicle (in fact, maybe only a select few should). I believe that both FragMe! and Mav have spare vehicles for people.

Re: Pety Theft!

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 12:59 pm
by RepSharpshooter
That's a good idea, each spawn could be the profile name/password.

How do we decide which "select few" get a vehicle and which don't then? It really depends on the whole undecided economy issue.

But as Mav said somewhere else, the main thing is to get your buildings done.
It's been over a year this project has been up, and I've only received about 9 lots -- 4 using custom models. And we had over 50 people signed up.

Re: Pety Theft!

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 1:04 pm
by General_Nate
That said, each person shouldn't need their own vehicle (in fact, maybe only a select few should). I believe that both FragMe! and Mav have spare vehicles for people.
Why? I think it would be much better if people could show off their ship that they made. Besides, it will be hard enough for people to get around already. Especially with the new 'upper city'. So running over to FragMe!'s lot and hoping there is still a ship left will just make things harder.

Re: Pety Theft!

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 1:13 pm
by Frisbeetarian
They can have constantly spawning ships. The point of this is to show off your lot, not the ship you made / reskinned. While you can do that, I just don't know how good of an idea it would be to have 50 different vehicles on a map at once, especially one that's played online.

Re: Pety Theft!

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 6:15 pm
by GangsterJawa
General_Nate wrote:
That said, each person shouldn't need their own vehicle (in fact, maybe only a select few should). I believe that both FragMe! and Mav have spare vehicles for people.
Why? I think it would be much better if people could show off their ship that they made. Besides, it will be hard enough for people to get around already. Especially with the new 'upper city'. So running over to FragMe!'s lot and hoping there is still a ship left will just make things harder.
Well, for one thing, consider that there will be more people playing than just the people that have lots. Therefore, they will probably want vehicles as well, so it just wouldn't do to not have any vehicles for those people.

Re: Pety Theft!

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 8:38 pm
by [RDH]Zerted
RepSharpshooter wrote:How do we decide which "select few" get a vehicle and which don't then?
Using OnEnterVehicle(), have a table of vehicle names and people allowed to enter them. When someone enters a vehicle, use the vehicle's name as a key, then search to see if that player's name is in the allowed/disallowed list. If the player is not allowed, then he is ejected from the vehicle or killed.

However, what is the point of adding in your vehicle to show it off if no one can use it?

Re: Pety Theft!

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 9:54 pm
by General_Nate
The point of ships (Well for me anyway) is so you can get around. Mabey, those 'other people who don't own a lot' can rent one from a ship renting lot.

Re: Pety Theft!

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 10:45 pm
by Frisbeetarian
Sure that will work, but it seems to require more coding than what I said. The only upside to yours is that the vehicles don't need to be specially named.

That's what mass transit is for, so everyone doesn't have to use a vehicle at once.

Hey, I'm just saying my opinion, take it or leave it. It's ultimately not for me to decide.

Re: Pety Theft!

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 10:34 am
by Dohnutt
Frisbeetarian wrote:I just don't know how good of an idea it would be to have 50 different vehicles on a map at once, especially one that's played online.
And by "50 different vehicles" you mean 9-15?

Re: Petty Theft!

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 2:28 pm
by RepSharpshooter
Yeah for one, not everyone will submit a lot, and out of those, not everyone will make a custom vehicle. And the game can handle that many vehicles, just look at the battle arena chess game, segways, and boats.

Re: Petty Theft!

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 6:43 am
by vortexus
Its all very well u guys havin your own vehicles but... Well fo rthose of use who are rubish at ZE, will we not be able to use vehicles for free? I mean will nobody be making vehicles on their lot that are available for everyone? Say, even some very slow speeders and flyers? Just out of interest.

Re: Petty Theft!

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 9:48 am
by General_Nate
I know FragMe! will have buggies, but I'm shure someone will make a ship renting lot.