How to Ask a Question
by MrCrayon
*Note*:Before you do anything, try and search google.
Step 1: Ask yourself this question: What am I trying to find/accomplish/achieve?
Step 2: Once step 1 has been established, ask yourself if you have the proper knowledge or tools to set about your task. If you don't know what you need, refer to step 1. Make sure you have tried all means that you know or have found. If you can't find anything (after at least an hour) proceed to step 3!
Step 3: At this point, your toolbox of knowledge is ready. Time to say something! Now that you have a point to your question and you have attempted to find an answer, write your question in a clear and precise (and well informed manner)
example from the modding category:
Notice how he knew what he was setting out to do and he knew at least a fair amount about what it was. He clearly has read a tutorial and is asking for help due to his used up options.Press_Tilty wrote:I'm having a problem. I've added two vehicle spawns, but they don't spawn my vehicle!
I have created a 10x10x10 control zone, added it to the cp's details, named it properly, and added it to both spawns. I redid all the values according to fierfek's tutorial, and added all the vehicles in the lua (below, I don't think there's any mistakes). My munge log doesn't give me any errors, object related or otherwise.
I've cleaned a bunch, and manually cleaned.
The control region passes through the ground, if that's anything...
I'm adding the imperial speeder, the STAP and the BARC speeder to each. LUA's below.
Clone Wars ConquestGCW ConquestHidden/Spoiler:--
-- Copyright (c) 2005 Pandemic Studios, LLC. All rights reserved.
-- load the gametype script
-- REP Attacking (attacker is always #1)
REP = 1;
CIS = 2;
-- These variables do not change
function ScriptPostLoad()
--This defines the CPs. These need to happen first
cp1 = CommandPost:New{name = "cp1"}
cp2 = CommandPost:New{name = "cp2"}
cp3 = CommandPost:New{name = "cp3"}
cp4 = CommandPost:New{name = "cp4"}
--This sets up the actual objective. This needs to happen after cp's are defined
conquest = ObjectiveConquest:New{teamATT = ATT, teamDEF = DEF,
textATT = "game.modes.con",
textDEF = "game.modes.con2",
multiplayerRules = true}
--This adds the CPs to the objective. This needs to happen after the objective is set up
-- FUNCTION: ScriptInit
-- PURPOSE: This function is only run once
-- NOTES: The name, 'ScriptInit' is a chosen convention, and each
-- mission script must contain a version of this function, as
-- it is called from C to start the mission.
function ScriptInit()
SetMaxPlayerFlyHeight (30)
SetMemoryPoolSize ("ClothData",20)
SetMemoryPoolSize ("Combo",50) -- should be ~ 2x number of jedi classes
SetMemoryPoolSize ("Combo::State",650) -- should be ~12x #Combo
SetMemoryPoolSize ("Combo::Transition",650) -- should be a bit bigger than #Combo::State
SetMemoryPoolSize ("Combo::Condition",650) -- should be a bit bigger than #Combo::State
SetMemoryPoolSize ("Combo::Attack",550) -- should be ~8-12x #Combo
SetMemoryPoolSize ("Combo::DamageSample",6000) -- should be ~8-12x #Combo::Attack
SetMemoryPoolSize ("Combo::Deflect",100) -- should be ~1x #combo
rep = {
team = REP,
units = 20,
reinforcements = 150,
soldier = { "rep_inf_ep3_rifleman",9, 25},
assault = { "rep_inf_ep3_rocketeer",1, 4},
engineer = { "rep_inf_ep3_engineer",1, 4},
sniper = { "rep_inf_ep3_sniper",1, 4},
officer = {"rep_inf_ep3_officer",1, 4},
special = { "rep_inf_ep3_jettrooper",1, 4},
cis = {
team = CIS,
units = 20,
reinforcements = 150,
soldier = { "cis_inf_rifleman",9, 25},
assault = { "cis_inf_rocketeer",1, 4},
engineer = { "cis_inf_engineer",1, 4},
sniper = { "cis_inf_sniper",1, 4},
officer = {"cis_inf_officer",1, 4},
special = { "cis_inf_droideka",1, 4},
SetHeroClass(CIS, "cis_hero_darthmaul")
SetHeroClass(REP, "rep_hero_anakin")
-- Level Stats
-- ClearWalkers()
AddWalkerType(0, 4) -- special -> droidekas
AddWalkerType(1, 0) -- 1x2 (1 pair of legs)
AddWalkerType(2, 0) -- 2x2 (2 pairs of legs)
AddWalkerType(3, 0) -- 3x2 (3 pairs of legs)
local weaponCnt = 1024
SetMemoryPoolSize("Aimer", 75)
SetMemoryPoolSize("AmmoCounter", weaponCnt)
SetMemoryPoolSize("BaseHint", 1024)
SetMemoryPoolSize("EnergyBar", weaponCnt)
SetMemoryPoolSize("EntityCloth", 32)
SetMemoryPoolSize("EntityFlyer", 32)
SetMemoryPoolSize("EntityHover", 32)
SetMemoryPoolSize("EntityLight", 200)
SetMemoryPoolSize("EntitySoundStream", 4)
SetMemoryPoolSize("EntitySoundStatic", 32)
SetMemoryPoolSize("MountedTurret", 32)
SetMemoryPoolSize("Navigator", 128)
SetMemoryPoolSize("Obstacle", 1024)
SetMemoryPoolSize("PathNode", 1024)
SetMemoryPoolSize("SoundSpaceRegion", 64)
SetMemoryPoolSize("TreeGridStack", 1024)
SetMemoryPoolSize("UnitAgent", 128)
SetMemoryPoolSize("UnitController", 128)
SetMemoryPoolSize("Weapon", weaponCnt)
SetSpawnDelay(10.0, 0.25)
--ReadDataFile("dc:KIV\\KIV.lvl", "KIV_conquest")
ReadDataFile("dc:KIV\\KIV.lvl", "KIV_conquest")
-- Sound
SetSoundEffect("ScopeDisplayZoomIn", "binocularzoomin")
SetSoundEffect("ScopeDisplayZoomOut", "binocularzoomout")
voiceSlow = OpenAudioStream("sound\\global.lvl", "rep_unit_vo_slow")
AudioStreamAppendSegments("sound\\global.lvl", "cis_unit_vo_slow", voiceSlow)
AudioStreamAppendSegments("sound\\global.lvl", "global_vo_slow", voiceSlow)
voiceQuick = OpenAudioStream("sound\\global.lvl", "rep_unit_vo_quick")
AudioStreamAppendSegments("sound\\global.lvl", "cis_unit_vo_quick", voiceQuick)
OpenAudioStream("sound\\global.lvl", "cw_music")
-- OpenAudioStream("sound\\global.lvl", "global_vo_quick")
-- OpenAudioStream("sound\\global.lvl", "global_vo_slow")
OpenAudioStream("sound\\yav.lvl", "yav1")
OpenAudioStream("sound\\yav.lvl", "yav1")
OpenAudioStream("sound\\yav.lvl", "yav1_emt")
SetBleedingVoiceOver(REP, REP, "rep_off_com_report_us_overwhelmed", 1)
SetBleedingVoiceOver(REP, CIS, "rep_off_com_report_enemy_losing", 1)
SetBleedingVoiceOver(CIS, REP, "cis_off_com_report_enemy_losing", 1)
SetBleedingVoiceOver(CIS, CIS, "cis_off_com_report_us_overwhelmed", 1)
SetOutOfBoundsVoiceOver(2, "cisleaving")
SetOutOfBoundsVoiceOver(1, "repleaving")
SetAmbientMusic(REP, 1.0, "rep_yav_amb_start", 0,1)
SetAmbientMusic(REP, 0.8, "rep_yav_amb_middle", 1,1)
SetAmbientMusic(REP, 0.2, "rep_yav_amb_end", 2,1)
SetAmbientMusic(CIS, 1.0, "cis_yav_amb_start", 0,1)
SetAmbientMusic(CIS, 0.8, "cis_yav_amb_middle", 1,1)
SetAmbientMusic(CIS, 0.2, "cis_yav_amb_end", 2,1)
SetVictoryMusic(REP, "rep_yav_amb_victory")
SetDefeatMusic (REP, "rep_yav_amb_defeat")
SetVictoryMusic(CIS, "cis_yav_amb_victory")
SetDefeatMusic (CIS, "cis_yav_amb_defeat")
SetSoundEffect("ScopeDisplayZoomIn", "binocularzoomin")
SetSoundEffect("ScopeDisplayZoomOut", "binocularzoomout")
--SetSoundEffect("BirdScatter", "birdsFlySeq1")
--SetSoundEffect("WeaponUnableSelect", "com_weap_inf_weaponchange_null")
--SetSoundEffect("WeaponModeUnableSelect", "com_weap_inf_modechange_null")
SetSoundEffect("SpawnDisplayUnitChange", "shell_select_unit")
SetSoundEffect("SpawnDisplayUnitAccept", "shell_menu_enter")
SetSoundEffect("SpawnDisplaySpawnPointChange", "shell_select_change")
SetSoundEffect("SpawnDisplaySpawnPointAccept", "shell_menu_enter")
SetSoundEffect("SpawnDisplayBack", "shell_menu_exit")
AddCameraShot(0.908386, -0.209095, -0.352873, -0.081226, -45.922508, -19.114113, 77.022636);
AddCameraShot(-0.481173, 0.024248, -0.875181, -0.044103, 14.767292, -30.602322, -144.506851);
AddCameraShot(0.999914, -0.012495, -0.004416, -0.000055, 1.143253, -33.602314, -76.884430);
AddCameraShot(0.839161, 0.012048, -0.543698, 0.007806, 19.152437, -49.802273, 24.337317);
AddCameraShot(0.467324, 0.006709, -0.883972, 0.012691, 11.825212, -49.802273, -7.000720);
AddCameraShot(0.861797, 0.001786, -0.507253, 0.001051, -11.986043, -59.702248, 23.263165);
AddCameraShot(0.628546, -0.042609, -0.774831, -0.052525, 20.429928, -48.302277, 9.771714);
AddCameraShot(0.765213, -0.051873, 0.640215, 0.043400, 57.692474, -48.302277, 16.540724);
AddCameraShot(0.264032, -0.015285, -0.962782, -0.055734, -16.681797, -42.902290, 129.553268);
AddCameraShot(-0.382320, 0.022132, -0.922222, -0.053386, 20.670977, -42.902290, 135.513001);
-- Copyright (c) 2005 Pandemic Studios, LLC. All rights reserved.
-- Empire Attacking (attacker is always #1)
local ALL = 2
local IMP = 1
-- These variables do not change
local ATT = 1
local DEF = 2
function ScriptPostLoad()
--This defines the CPs. These need to happen first
cp1 = CommandPost:New{name = "cp1"}
cp2 = CommandPost:New{name = "cp2"}
cp3 = CommandPost:New{name = "cp3"}
cp4 = CommandPost:New{name = "cp4"}
--This sets up the actual objective. This needs to happen after cp's are defined
conquest = ObjectiveConquest:New{teamATT = ATT, teamDEF = DEF,
textATT = "game.modes.con",
textDEF = "game.modes.con2",
multiplayerRules = true}
--This adds the CPs to the objective. This needs to happen after the objective is set up
-- FUNCTION: ScriptInit
-- PURPOSE: This function is only run once
-- NOTES: The name, 'ScriptInit' is a chosen convention, and each
-- mission script must contain a version of this function, as
-- it is called from C to start the mission.
function ScriptInit()
SetMemoryPoolSize ("ClothData",20)
SetMemoryPoolSize ("Combo",50) -- should be ~ 2x number of jedi classes
SetMemoryPoolSize ("Combo::State",650) -- should be ~12x #Combo
SetMemoryPoolSize ("Combo::Transition",650) -- should be a bit bigger than #Combo::State
SetMemoryPoolSize ("Combo::Condition",650) -- should be a bit bigger than #Combo::State
SetMemoryPoolSize ("Combo::Attack",550) -- should be ~8-12x #Combo
SetMemoryPoolSize ("Combo::DamageSample",6000) -- should be ~8-12x #Combo::Attack
SetMemoryPoolSize ("Combo::Deflect",100) -- should be ~1x #combo
all = {
team = ALL,
units = 20,
reinforcements = 150,
soldier = { "all_inf_rifleman",9, 25},
assault = { "all_inf_rocketeer",1,4},
engineer = { "all_inf_engineer",1,4},
sniper = { "all_inf_sniper",1,4},
officer = { "all_inf_officer",1,4},
special = { "all_inf_wookiee",1,4},
imp = {
team = IMP,
units = 20,
reinforcements = 150,
soldier = { "imp_inf_rifleman",9, 25},
assault = { "imp_inf_rocketeer",1,4},
engineer = { "imp_inf_engineer",1,4},
sniper = { "imp_inf_sniper",1,4},
officer = { "imp_inf_officer",1,4},
special = { "imp_inf_dark_trooper",1,4},
SetHeroClass(ALL, "all_hero_hansolo_tat")
SetHeroClass(IMP, "imp_hero_bobafett")
-- Level Stats
AddWalkerType(0, 0) -- special -> droidekas
AddWalkerType(1, 0) -- 1x2 (1 pair of legs)
AddWalkerType(2, 0) -- 2x2 (2 pairs of legs)
AddWalkerType(3, 0) -- 3x2 (3 pairs of legs)
local weaponCnt = 1024
SetMemoryPoolSize("Aimer", 75)
SetMemoryPoolSize("AmmoCounter", weaponCnt)
SetMemoryPoolSize("BaseHint", 1024)
SetMemoryPoolSize("EnergyBar", weaponCnt)
SetMemoryPoolSize("EntityCloth", 32)
SetMemoryPoolSize("EntityFlyer", 32)
SetMemoryPoolSize("EntityHover", 32)
SetMemoryPoolSize("EntityLight", 200)
SetMemoryPoolSize("EntitySoundStream", 4)
SetMemoryPoolSize("EntitySoundStatic", 32)
SetMemoryPoolSize("MountedTurret", 32)
SetMemoryPoolSize("Navigator", 128)
SetMemoryPoolSize("Obstacle", 1024)
SetMemoryPoolSize("PathNode", 1024)
SetMemoryPoolSize("SoundSpaceRegion", 64)
SetMemoryPoolSize("TreeGridStack", 1024)
SetMemoryPoolSize("UnitAgent", 128)
SetMemoryPoolSize("UnitController", 128)
SetMemoryPoolSize("Weapon", weaponCnt)
SetSpawnDelay(10.0, 0.25)
ReadDataFile("dc:KIV\\KIV.lvl", "KIV_conquest")
-- Sound Stats
voiceSlow = OpenAudioStream("sound\\global.lvl", "all_unit_vo_slow")
AudioStreamAppendSegments("sound\\global.lvl", "imp_unit_vo_slow", voiceSlow)
AudioStreamAppendSegments("sound\\global.lvl", "des_unit_vo_slow", voiceSlow)
AudioStreamAppendSegments("sound\\global.lvl", "global_vo_slow", voiceSlow)
voiceQuick = OpenAudioStream("sound\\global.lvl", "all_unit_vo_quick")
AudioStreamAppendSegments("sound\\global.lvl", "imp_unit_vo_quick", voiceQuick)
OpenAudioStream("sound\\global.lvl", "gcw_music")
OpenAudioStream("sound\\tat.lvl", "tat2")
OpenAudioStream("sound\\tat.lvl", "tat2")
-- OpenAudioStream("sound\\global.lvl", "global_vo_quick")
-- OpenAudioStream("sound\\global.lvl", "global_vo_slow")
SetBleedingVoiceOver(ALL, ALL, "all_off_com_report_us_overwhelmed", 1)
SetBleedingVoiceOver(ALL, IMP, "all_off_com_report_enemy_losing", 1)
SetBleedingVoiceOver(IMP, ALL, "imp_off_com_report_enemy_losing", 1)
SetBleedingVoiceOver(IMP, IMP, "imp_off_com_report_us_overwhelmed", 1)
SetLowReinforcementsVoiceOver(ALL, ALL, "all_off_defeat_im", .1, 1)
SetLowReinforcementsVoiceOver(ALL, IMP, "all_off_victory_im", .1, 1)
SetLowReinforcementsVoiceOver(IMP, IMP, "imp_off_defeat_im", .1, 1)
SetLowReinforcementsVoiceOver(IMP, ALL, "imp_off_victory_im", .1, 1)
SetOutOfBoundsVoiceOver(2, "Allleaving")
SetOutOfBoundsVoiceOver(1, "Impleaving")
SetAmbientMusic(ALL, 1.0, "all_tat_amb_start", 0,1)
SetAmbientMusic(ALL, 0.8, "all_tat_amb_middle", 1,1)
SetAmbientMusic(ALL, 0.2, "all_tat_amb_end", 2,1)
SetAmbientMusic(IMP, 1.0, "imp_tat_amb_start", 0,1)
SetAmbientMusic(IMP, 0.8, "imp_tat_amb_middle", 1,1)
SetAmbientMusic(IMP, 0.2, "imp_tat_amb_end", 2,1)
SetVictoryMusic(ALL, "all_tat_amb_victory")
SetDefeatMusic (ALL, "all_tat_amb_defeat")
SetVictoryMusic(IMP, "imp_tat_amb_victory")
SetDefeatMusic (IMP, "imp_tat_amb_defeat")
SetSoundEffect("ScopeDisplayZoomIn", "binocularzoomin")
SetSoundEffect("ScopeDisplayZoomOut", "binocularzoomout")
--SetSoundEffect("WeaponUnableSelect", "com_weap_inf_weaponchange_null")
--SetSoundEffect("WeaponModeUnableSelect", "com_weap_inf_modechange_null")
SetSoundEffect("SpawnDisplayUnitChange", "shell_select_unit")
SetSoundEffect("SpawnDisplayUnitAccept", "shell_menu_enter")
SetSoundEffect("SpawnDisplaySpawnPointChange", "shell_select_change")
SetSoundEffect("SpawnDisplaySpawnPointAccept", "shell_menu_enter")
SetSoundEffect("SpawnDisplayBack", "shell_menu_exit")
-- Camera Stats
--Tat2 Mos Eisley
AddCameraShot(0.974338, -0.222180, 0.035172, 0.008020, -82.664650, 23.668301, 43.955681);
AddCameraShot(0.390197, -0.089729, -0.893040, -0.205362, 23.563562, 12.914885, -101.465561);
AddCameraShot(0.169759, 0.002225, -0.985398, 0.012916, 126.972809, 4.039628, -22.020613);
AddCameraShot(0.677453, -0.041535, 0.733016, 0.044942, 97.517807, 4.039628, 36.853477);
AddCameraShot(0.866029, -0.156506, 0.467299, 0.084449, 7.685640, 7.130688, -10.895234);
endPew...Hidden/Spoiler:This is how to format a question, yoyo.
Useful visual diagram for people. More to follow for tomorrow with some links to topic-related websites. By the way, it was Maveritchell who made this diagram and I think it is well made.
[quote="Maveritchell"]You are at a stage now where you are asking questions without trying things out first. This should not be the case. Always try something out before you ask a question.
AgentSmith_#27 wrote: It should be noted your questions won't always be answered. When I ask a question on Gametoast and no one can help, and all my ideas are exhausted, I take a good long break from that mod (I'm talking days here) and when I get back to work on it I find it suddenly clicks.