(1)Rhen Var: 607th Assault

The series of maps created by Xavious that follow the story of the 607th legion.

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Post by Darth_Z13 »

No, just copy the world folders not the actual tools.

Post by Hunted_One »

Uhh, I meant the zip itself. The zip does it to me if I try to open it.
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Post by t551 »

That's normal. Zip files weren't really meant to be that big.

Post by Hunted_One »

I really hate having taken over this topic, but how do I open it exactly?
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Post by Xavious »

Extract the Zip file. Then copy the world assets into your assets/worlds folder, and use as you would any other assets.

If you really can't get it to work, PM me and I'll send you just the worlds assets.

EDIT: Work in progress Zhaus skin.


EDIT2: More screenshots.

Fortress Exterior (Note: Initially controlled by CIS)

Fortress Interior

Miscellaneous Pictures:



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Post by Xavious »

Public beta has been released. See first post. Please post your review here if you download it.
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Post by AlexSecura »

Normaly I want to go to sleep but i must tryed out your Map. :P Very good work so far but I have many good Suggestion for you.I give them tommorrow after work to you.

Post by YankFan1950 »

looks like u used my effect that i used on my rhen var pic on urs i love that effect and i love ur skins nice work, but too bad i can't dl (dialup)
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Post by Darth_Z13 »

Darth_Maul wrote: EDIT: Work in progress Zhaus skin.

Cool. Is that on the Maul model?

I'll give my input when I'm done playing. :)
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Post by Xavious »

Just a little preview...


Guys, I need some input on the beta.
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Post by AlexSecura »

Hi Darth_Maul.

I like 607 Aussault specially the JetTrooper Skin ,frozen River and the cool Bridge/Canyon Area.

Here my little Suggestions for your Rhen Var Map.

-The JetPack is blue.In Contrast to the green Jettrooper that doesn´t fit.The JetTrooper looks so far great.
-The Bridges and the Trooper Skin have some pink glow.
-Some of the little Stones,you have added them on the Ground,are floating.
-AI Path - Sometimes not ever some of the Troops and Vehicles fall from the Bridge.That looks very funny when they drive straight to the Abyss.
-more Reinforcements.
-add friendly Wampas running around.
-add Jedi Starfighter and Laat for Republic.
-Hights of the Map.(the JetTrooper can`t fly-up to higher Buildings like Fortress or Archways)

The Fortress needs some little fixes:
-The right Archway of the Fortress is not in Place.
-The Hights at the Roof of the Fortress are not correct and there are many Glitches.
-There is One Room in it,which is only reachable with a Jedi or JetTooper and its very empty.
You should add in this Room some Stuff like the Statue or a Crypt and open the Entrance to the CaveSystem
-add more Stuff in the Complete Fortress not only these Boxes
-The Groundtexture of the CIS Fortress should be changed.

Get rid of some placed Observation Ruins-I think thats to much.

Add this Archway in Front of the Last Bridge and the little Rocks left and right from it (or same other Barriers)

Add some Ragnos Statues at the left and /or right Side of the Canyons (looks a little Bit of LotR):

Hope you like my drawings and my Suggestions. :P

and could you possibly make your Map so,that the CIS try to infiltrate the Fortress and if so,the last CP should be at the End of the Cave Area.Quasi the Last Anchor of the Republic.
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Post by Xavious »

AlexSecura wrote:-The JetPack is blue.In Contrast to the green Jettrooper that doesn´t fit.The JetTrooper looks so far great.
AlexSecura wrote:-The Bridges and the Trooper Skin have some pink glow.
I don't have any pink glow on mine. Post a screenshot?

AlexSecura wrote:-Some of the little Stones,you have added them on the Ground,are floating.

I'll get to that. (Fixed most of them)
AlexSecura wrote:-AI Path - Sometimes not ever some of the Troops and Vehicles fall from the Bridge.That looks very funny when they drive straight to the Abyss.
Nothing I can do about that. I have all my AI planning set up, but the AI are just plain dumb.
AlexSecura wrote:-more Reinforcements.
-add friendly Wampas running around.
-add Jedi Starfighter and Laat for Republic.
Don't know about that. I'll set up more reinsforcements, but I'm not gonna add wampas. Gunships are a maybe.
AlexSecura wrote: The Fortress needs some little fixes:
-The right Archway of the Fortress is not in Place.
-The Hights at the Roof of the Fortress are not correct and there are many Glitches.
-There is One Room in it,which is only reachable with a Jedi or JetTooper and its very empty.
You should add in this Room some Stuff like the Statue or a Crypt and open the Entrance to the CaveSystem
-add more Stuff in the Complete Fortress not only these Boxes
-The Groundtexture of the CIS Fortress should be changed.
Working on it.
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Post by AlexSecura »

Here some Screens of the Pink Glow but i think it appears only,if there is some Blasterfire or some Rockets flying over Bridge.The Trooper looks a bit Pink at some Bodyparts but i think you want that so.
Here i found some other Glitch at the Obs Ruin right from CP2.
One Step and you fall to Death.

and Zeus dont have a Secondary Weapon.
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Post by XxDepredationxX »

I played it, and surprisingly it's full of AI! Its really fun to play as Captain Vaks as he blast away everything in his path but there are several bugs that bugged me.

-Zheus' combo moves lock his walking animation move.
-Kinda easy to win, since everybody is at the same place and shooting at each other.
-And the CIS vehicle pathing is stupid. They keep falling into ravines.

I can't really tell you much since I won the whole game in 3 minutes. No offence but I have some doubts about the 607th Assault being force-sensitive. XD

This will go good with Zheus saying something using a think bubble :D
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Post by t551 »

Darth_Maul, have you put hover and soldier barriers at the edges of the bridge?
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Post by Xavious »

t551t551 wrote:Darth_Maul, have you put hover and soldier barriers at the edges of the bridge?
Yes, but it doesn't help anything.
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Post by t551 »

You may have to enable them in the lua, I can't remember. Also, barriers are kind of hard to configure. I seem to remember the toggles always being the opposite of what I expected.
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Barriers- banning AI types

Post by AceMastermind »

By default, when a barrier is placed, it blocks all AI types, but clicking on the yellow buttons turning them white allows certain AI types to pass through.
yellow = banned
white = able to pass through
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Re: (1)Rhen Var: 607th Assault

Post by Eggman »

Just finished testing, so here's my review:

The atmosphere of this map is very nice. It's exactly what an arctic environment should look like, and the ravine gives the added feeling of being on top of a large glacier, perfect for Rhen Var. Each and every building looks as though it has some purpose for being there. The map has a sort of serene beauty to it, but once the combat begins it instantly has all the chaos and intensity of a battlefield.

This map supports a wide variety of playing styles. Whether you enjoy running straight into the action with guns blazing or sneaking around to capture command posts, you'll feel right at home. When it comes to sniping, there are all sorts of great spots, but they are set up in a way so that snipers will never be able to just camp out somewhere for the entire match. The unit count is set up perfectly, so even when playing with the sliders in the Instant Action menu at their defaults, there is never a moment where the map seems empty. Command posts really matter when playing. Great care appears to have been taken in the placement of command posts, with each one is in a location where the flow of combat naturally takes you. Fighting on the bridges is a lot of fun, especially with the large (but not too large) number of units. My only criticism is that when playing as the CIS, it seemed a little more difficult to hold onto command posts.

The sides are set up very well. There are some fun new weapons and units to play with, but they still have a classic Battlefront feeling. The 607th has great skins, and I like the idea of using the engineer model for most of the basic units. Both Vaks and Zhaus are a lot of fun to play with, especially when faced with large amounts of enemies. The CIS seemed pretty similar to the shipped sides, but I like it. The only thing I would change on the CIS side is the super battledroid's wrist blaster by giving it more spread. At one point I was able to stand at one end of a bridge and single-handedly mow down at least fifteen clones with barely any pause between shots.

Notes I took while playing in no particular order:
-Tiny gap between some bridges (between cps 5/6 and 7/0)
-Unit count good at defaults
-No mini-map (not really a big deal, I'm fine with just seeing cp's on a black background)
-Nice rifle sounds
-Ion rifle bolt looks a little odd from some angles
-Cp3 capture region extends to second floor
-Small amount of lag, but not enough to detract from gameplay
-Tanks occassionally bunched up
-Nice chaingun sound
-Zhaus looks cool
-Cps really matter
-No AAT laser sounds
-Don't really like the droid sniper rifle sound
-AI plays as Grievous/Zhaus, nice
-Maybe add some short walls or railings along the bridges?
-Nice environment
-Floating barrels at cp4
-Some bridges overlap a bit
-Bridge combat is fun
-Increase spread of wrist blaster
-Three tanks drove into the ravine in the space of a few seconds (although I did see some of your posts that said you can't control this)
-B2s have B1 chunks
-Supports variety of playing styles
-Grievous has no death pose
-Cp1 is floating
-Droideka stuck in room by cp4
-Some satellite chots clip the terrain
I took screenshots of some of the bugs I noticed, mostly the ones involving floating objects, so if you're unclear on what I mean by something, I can send the pictures to you in a PM.





I just thought these two were kind of funny:

Overall, I felt the map was of very high quality. There were very few bugs, and all of them were minor. Oh, and as for the gunships, I was fine without them. Although they would certainly fit in, the map wasn't screaming GUNSHIPS! at me the whole time I was playing.
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Re: (1)Rhen Var: 607th Assault

Post by H_BOMB »

Basicallly I noticed the same things Eggman did.

Mainly the Grievous without a deathpose. when you kill him he just dies in whatever position he was in.

I also noticed that the EMP grenades and the jet trooper's EMP launcher have no explosion sound.

This isn't a bug, but the CIS sniper rifle is a bit underpowered compared to the 607th's sniper rifle. Th 607th's kills in one shot while the CIS take two hits.

I think gunships would be cool but actually pretty useless. The only thing they could be useful for is flying to another command post and attempt to capture it, or just fly around and bog down the other side with constant barrages of fire.

Otherwise, great job and I love the new blaster sounds.