From Action and fighting i Loved it much.I played it 6 Times in a Stretch.I mostly played through it as an normal Trooper or as Camo Commando.That i love from all Trooper Units mostly.I was so ingame (

) that i mostly forget to change the units.Great fast Gameplay.To fight at the BeachCP around that Kashyyk Barrack was very awesome.
Vaks and Zhaus are great like always but i rare used them here.You could lower Vaks FirePower and decrease the overheating Time.
What i also liked
The Orbital Strike from Vaks.
the Health and Ammo Dispenser.
The Toxic Droid.Best Droid ive ever killed.

The cool Sniper Place in that stump of the Tree.
The Sky and Backround
What i disliked:
Too much of Sith Droid. (like Eggman also wrote) I liked to fight against them but in general i didnt like to see Droids with Laserstaffs or Laserswords.A Magnaguard would be better.I personaly dont like this Unit.Think CIS Players love it.
You could add a Dwarf Spider Droid and an AT-XT.That would be cool.Eventually a MTT or Coreship added to the last CIS CP as Backround.
Set Reinforcements instead of 200/299 to 200/350

Egman was a bit faster than me in posting these little Bug and there are some other at the first CP of the Reps.One Wood Barrier and Health and Ammo Dispenser are floating there.
Some pics that i made while playing.