I think it would be nice to use epic music like the Force Theme (Like the Clone Wars movie trailer.) Or battles of Heroes.
Also, 607th Green fonts would be cool.
Eggman wrote:I agree with Grev. You could start out with the style of a trailer, then go into gameplay/features, sort of like a lot of video game trailers do. Maybe search around Youtube to get some ideas for a good format.
Hey guys, I know I haven't updated in a while. Just wanted to let you all know that I'm still alive. Haven't had a whole lot of free time, though. However, I'm currently putting some quick finishing touches on Xagobah (Yeah, I know I said I'd send Space Kamino first) for a beta testers release. I'm hoping to have enough free time over Christmas Break to finish up the pack and release it before New Years, but no promises.
I'll have a couple of new screenshots soon. Maybe another video too.
The crashed Venator in the background is the 607th flagship. Why did it crash, and who shot it down? You'll have to play the campaign mode in Kamino: 607th Betrayal to find out!
Also, there's a new video of Sullust on the front page of this topic, under "Videos."
Checked out your Sullust videos (I still haven't played your map, but plan to play the "story" through once you're done) - this is a personal preference, and what I might do (which of course is at the maker's discretion to ignore or not): You've got a lot of the "ZE fog," the fog level that uniformly covers your map. I'm personally not a big fan, and I think you could get a lot more exciting effect by having just the lighting, with patches of prop fog here and there. It'd mix things up a bit.
Xavious wrote:A little sneak peek at the final map.
The crashed Venator in the background is the 607th flagship. Why did it crash, and who shot it down? You'll have to play the campaign mode in Kamino: 607th Betrayal to find out!
Also, there's a new video of Sullust on the front page of this topic, under "Videos."
whoah! what revan said! and i love the bumpmap on that gunship there
wth i cant wait for this to come out and with the pic of kamino is it that the cis are here (battle of kamino) or is it the kamino people have created new clones (republic commando:order 66 says the palpatine fell out with the kamino people and he made his own on corasant(wrong spelling))to wipe out the republic?