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Re: NEW POLICY: Copyright Rules

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 5:05 pm
by Teancum
Same rules apply -- take as little as possible (preferably a truncated version of a track) and keep it Star Wars. Other than that the principle is the same.

Re: NEW POLICY: Copyright Rules

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 4:36 pm
by giftheck
Ah, so for instance, as long as I use, say a thirty-second snippet or something, that would be preferable?

Re: NEW POLICY: Copyright Rules

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 7:20 pm
by Teancum
Yeah, the idea is to use as little as you can -- the sound format is fairly well protected when munged, so it's pretty safe to say that it's not a big deal so long as you don't violate US Fair Use copyright law (which is basically what we model things after). See THIS description on Wikipedia.

Long story short our policy comes down to only taking what you absolutely need to take, and then for the purposes in the link above. If a whole track is what you absolutely must have, then that's what you can use. If you can get by with say 2:00 of a 3:15 track then that's better, as it doesn't give the end-user a chance to record the song from gameplay and reuse it.

Oh, and just for general clarity for everyone -- the reason cited below is the reason we shut down the Lord Of The Rings mod before it even started:

In evaluating the fourth factor, courts often consider two kinds of harm to the potential market of the original work: First, courts consider whether the use in question acts as a direct market substitute for the original work.
A Lord Of The Rings mod for a game that uses pretty much the same exact engine would be a subsitute for LotR: Conquest, affecting the sales of that game and it's value.

Re: NEW POLICY: Copyright Rules

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 12:56 pm
by Faceman2000
With the not hindering a company's bility to make money, I was actually about to buy BF1 and then the Convo Pack came out. So is there leniency with this? Or is it okay because Pandemic's out of business?

Re: NEW POLICY: Copyright Rules

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 2:43 pm
by Teancum
It was okay because the source files were freely released with the tools.

Re: NEW POLICY: Copyright Rules

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 5:10 pm
by Labj
Ok, so i think that staff saw what Dev converted, so i wanted to know this:

If i make a skin (from scratch) based on the EVO trooper UV, that would be good for the "keep it small" point?

Re: NEW POLICY: Copyright Rules

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 5:28 pm
by AQT
Barely. You would be using the entire ported model still, which is essentially the biggest part, even if you were to make the texture entirely from scratch.

Re: NEW POLICY: Copyright Rules

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 5:36 pm
by Maveritchell
AQT wrote:Barely. You would be using the entire ported model still, which is essentially the biggest part, even if you were to make the texture entirely from scratch.
If we are following the letter of our rules, it doesn't matter what he chooses to do regarding that. In terms of consistency in enforcement, he's perfectly fine using the model for something released here.

porting from other lucasarts game

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 7:38 pm
by DarthNihilusGirl
yea i am talking about porting non custom created models from other lucasarts game, the reason i post this is to make it clear that you can port from other LA games without getting in trouble so let me go on

now for sometime alot of people have been porting swbf2 stuff from here and the game it's self to star wars empire at war and it's expansion forces of corruption now there was a big long post about this on a modding site about this for that game now an email was sent to LA about this and they replied back with their copyright rules which clearly says in it that using LA models in anothe LA game is 100% fine if you don't profit off them so here is the email
Display images below - Always display images from

Hello and thank you for your recent inquiry. Your question and or concern
has been reviewed and the following information may be of some assistance.

Any and all Star Wars creations, regardless of their source or creator,
are copyrighted and trademarked by Lucasfilm LTD ALL RIGHTS RESERVED and
can be used by anyone according to the copyright and trademark enforcement
policies of Lucasfilm LTD. Any and all game mods and mod elements relating
to Star Wars regardless of their source are the property of Lucasfilm LTD
and can be used freely without permission in accordance with Lucasfilm
copyright guidelines as outlined in any of the game's and/or mod tools EULA.

Any and all game mods and mod elements relating to Star Wars regardless of
their source are the property of Lucasfilm LTD and can be used freely without
permission in accordance with Lucasfilm copyright guidelines as outlined in
the game's and/or mod tools EULA.Modders hold no copyright or trademark
claims over Lucasfilm LTD properties. Permission is not required to use
or create derivative works in accordance with Lucasfilm LTD copyright
guidelines. No person or entity can prohibit or allow the use
or distribution of Lucasfilm LTD properties but Lucasfilm LTD.

Any claim of ownership or rights must be resolved by the complaintant with
Lucasfilm LTD and no other entity.

Claiming rights over Lucasfilm LTD property not extended by Lucasfilm LTD
is a violation of International copyright law.Any derivative works
become property of Lucasfilm LTD ALL RIGHTS RESERVED upon
distribution or release.

Please see the below EULA excerpts for more information regarding "modding" of copyrighted Lucasarts Software and or Titles.

Rules Governing New Levels: LucasArts is under no obligation to make any features in the Software that will allow you to create New Levels. If LucasArts determines, in its sole discretion, to make such features available, then the following will apply: “New Levels” are data that modify, add to, or substitute for data in the Software, thus modifying, adding to, or replacing levels provided by LucasArts in the Software, and may also include saved games, and scenarios created using the skirmish features of the Software. New Levels may be subsequently delivered or made accessible through an electronic update. New Levels may be permitted by LucasArts, in its sole discretion, subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement and the following additional conditions:
(1) New Levels may work only if used in combination with the retail version of the Software, and may not work with any demo or Original Equipment Manufacturer (generally known as “OEM”) versions of the Software. New Levels may not be designed to be used as a stand-alone product.
(2) New Levels may not modify any COM, EXE, DLL or other executable files.
(3) New Levels must not contain any illegal, scandalous, illicit, defamatory, libelous, or objectionable material (as may be determined by LucasArts in its sole discretion), or any material that infringes any trademarks, copyrights, protected works, publicity, privacy, proprietary, or other rights of any third party or of LucasArts.
(4) New Levels may not include any LucasArts sound effects or music files or portions thereof.
(5) New Levels must identify in every description file, on-line description, read-me, and in comments in the New Level code (if new code is added): (a) the name, address, and e-mail address of the level creators, and (cool.gif the following disclaimer: THIS LEVEL IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY LUCASARTS, A DIVISION OF LUCASFILM ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LTD. ELEMENTS TM & © LUCASARTS, A DIVISION OF LUCASFILM ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LTD.”
(6) New Levels may not be sold, bartered, or distributed with any other product for which any charge is made (other than incidental charges for time spent on-line), but rather must be distributed free of charge at all times.
(7) By distributing or permitting the distribution of any New Levels, all creators or owners of any trademark, copyright, or other right, title or interest therein: (a) grant to LucasArts an irrevocable, perpetual, royalty-free, sublicensable right to distribute or exploit the New Level by any means or media (whether now known or hereafter invented), and to create and distribute by any means or media (whether now known or hereafter invented) derivative works thereof, and to charge for the distribution of such New Level or such derivative work, with no obligation to account to any creators or owners of the New Level in any manner, and (cool.gif waive and covenant not to assert in any forum any and all moral rights (including, without limitation, rights of paternity, attribution, integrity, and participation), and authorize LucasArts to publish and exploit the New Levels (including any portions and derivatives thereof) in its sole discretion without attributing any of the foregoing to you or identifying you or any third party connection therewith.
(8) LucasArts may revoke your right or permission to use the Software, or to make or distribute New Levels, at any time and in its sole discretion.


We hope this information will be of assistance. Thank you for your email.

LucasArts, a division of
Lucasfilm Entertainment Company Ltd.
P.O. Box 29908
San Francisco, CA 94129

now to point out the part that shows anything can be ported from one LA game to another \

Any and all game mods and mod elements relating to Star Wars regardless of
their source are the property of Lucasfilm LTD and can be used freely without
permission in accordance with Lucasfilm copyright guidelines as outlined in
the game's and/or mod tools EULA.Modders hold no copyright or trademark
claims over Lucasfilm LTD properties. Permission is not required to use
or create derivative works in accordance with Lucasfilm LTD copyright
guidelines. No person or entity can prohibit or allow the use
or distribution of Lucasfilm LTD properties but Lucasfilm LTD.

now what does that mean well right here Permission is not required to use
or create derivative works in accordance with Lucasfilm LTD copyright
that means that i can take say republic commandos from star wars republic commandos and can port them into this game swbf2

now i know alot of you are gonna be like well we have rules here or w/e but i'm trying to change that porting is 100% fine to do and well alot of you will say porting is just wrong go make your own work well some of us can't make great 3d models or can't model at all so maybe give it a thought

Re: porting from other lucasarts game

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 7:41 pm
by RogueKnight
A.D.D. boy doesn't want to read all that.

I understand what you're trying to do, but I don't see a problem with our current rules, as when restrictions are placed on what can be ported, we get more people creating original content instead of "stealing" it from other games, which its truly what makes mods fun.

Re: porting from other lucasarts game

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 7:51 pm
by DarthNihilusGirl
why do you got to say stealing when i point out that in blue and yellow colors that lucasarts has no problem with you using their models, it can also be fun to have models from other lucasarts games in swbf2 cause maybe that person doesn't have that game and always wanted to play it but couldn't and thin someone comes along and puts it in swbf2.

it's just like me with Halo Ce with halo 3 models in it i don't have halo 3 or a 360 but i love having halo 3 models in halo ce get my point?

Re: porting from other lucasarts game

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 7:56 pm
by RogueKnight
DarthNihilusGirl wrote:why do you got to say stealing when i point out that in blue and yellow colors that lucasarts has no problem with you using their models, it can also be fun to have models from other lucasarts games in swbf2 cause maybe that person doesn't have that game and always wanted to play it but couldn't and thin someone comes along and puts it in swbf2.
I call it stealing because porting/ripping is taking something that wasn't originally intended for you to have, something that isn't yours to port in the first place, and porting it. If you didn't make it, technically you shouldn't touch it without explicit permission. Lucasarts is basically saying; "it belongs to us, we don't care, just keep them in our games."

Re: porting from other lucasarts game

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 7:57 pm
by -_-
DarthNihilusGirl wrote:why do you got to say stealing when i point out that in blue and yellow colors that lucasarts has no problem with you using their models, it can also be fun to have models from other lucasarts games in swbf2 cause maybe that person doesn't have that game and always wanted to play it but couldn't and thin someone comes along and puts it in swbf2.

it's just like me with Halo Ce with halo 3 models in it i don't have halo 3 or a 360 but i love having halo 3 models in halo ce get my point?
So.. what's the point of buying games if you can just keep ripping/porting new content to an older game?

Re: NEW POLICY: Copyright Rules

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 9:08 pm
by Teancum
Yep, the point is that we don't want to diminish sales, nor rub Lucasarts the wrong way by going overboard with porting. It did say right there in the email that Lucasarts CAN take legal action, but nobody else can.

Our rules will not change on this. Lucasarts has been really good to us by not taking action when we use minimal assets. Porting whole "games" over (all the assets) or even a large percentage of them STILL violates US Fair Use Copyright Law anywas.

VERDICT: Rules are still 100% firm. That email is nowhere near clear enough for us to feel comfortable. What they basically said to you was "here's the EULA, that's our stance", which does not answer the question.

Oh, and I also like how you skipped this part:
Any and all game mods and mod elements relating to Star Wars regardless of
their source are the property of Lucasfilm LTD and can be used freely without
permission in accordance with Lucasfilm copyright guidelines as outlined in
the game's and/or mod tools EULA.

Re: porting from other lucasarts game

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 9:17 pm
by Maveritchell
DarthNihilusGirl wrote:now what does that mean well right here Permission is not required to use
or create derivative works in accordance with Lucasfilm LTD copyright
that means that i can take say republic commandos from star wars republic commandos and can port them into this game swbf2
What you have right there is a justification, and it only works if you want it to work (which anyone who wants to port a model and not feel bad about it will).

"Derivative works" does not mean what you think it does. "Derivative" does not mean "copied" - derivative means, in essence, "inspired by." You want to make something that looks like something out of Empire at War for Star Wars Battlefront II? Knock yourself out - that would be a "derivative work." If you're using assets whole-hock from another game, that is not a "derivative work" as laid out by your EULA.

I can promise you too that you're just looking at an excerpt from a EULA. Take a look at the whole thing, and I'm 100% sure you'll find stronger language concerning use of assets. This site is lenient on use of assets and in many ways already breaks what is specifically laid out in several EULAs. What you would encourage is flaunting these agreements even further with a flimsy justification. As Tean mentioned above, justification or not, our rules won't change in this matter - but I thought it was important to point out to you the nature of that justification.

Re: NEW POLICY: Copyright Rules

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 6:39 pm
by Culvar
Would borrowing 2 parts the armor texture(The main torso piece and that backpack thing) from the Halo CE marine be violating the terms?

Re: NEW POLICY: Copyright Rules

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 5:22 am
by mswf
I don't exactly see why you'd really need to rip something from a completely different game. Why not remake those two parts if you need them?

Re: NEW POLICY: Copyright Rules

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 9:22 am
by Culvar
mswf wrote:I don't exactly see why you'd really need to rip something from a completely different game. Why not remake those two parts if you need them?
...because I suck at making textures from scratch?

Re: NEW POLICY: Copyright Rules

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 10:35 am
by DarthD.U.C.K.
generally because most of the people dont have the skill and are too lazy/impatient to learn or find something to use instead

Re: NEW POLICY: Copyright Rules

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 11:01 am
by Maveritchell
Culvar wrote:Would borrowing 2 parts the armor texture(The main torso piece and that backpack thing) from the Halo CE marine be violating the terms?
It is against their EULA, I'm sure, and it's also against our rules. A good rule of thumb for future questions like this is this: "If you're not sure about it, don't use it." I promise you that you won't break any GT rules if you follow that simple one.