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How to add random AI controlled heroes to your map (FAQ)

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 8:37 pm
by YaNkFaN
Even though Mav semi covered this in his DT tutorial this is just to add random AI controlled heroes to any SP map.

This requires a basic knowledge of scripting and how to add in units but otherwise not much else.
Note when I refer to .lua I am referring too abcc_con.lua or abcg_con.lua found in data_abc/common/scripts/abc abc=mod3 letter name

First download archer01's hero support script and read all the readmes and add in the hero support lines to your .lua

so now your script (relavent parts should look like this)
-- Copyright (c) 2005 Pandemic Studios, LLC. All rights reserved.

-- load the gametype script

-- REP Attacking (attacker is always #1)
REP = 1;
CIS = 2;
-- These variables do not change

function ScriptPostLoad()

--This defines the CPs. These need to happen first
cp1 = CommandPost:New{name = "cp1"}
cp2 = CommandPost:New{name = "cp2"}
cp3 = CommandPost:New{name = "cp3"}
cp4 = CommandPost:New{name = "cp4"}

--This sets up the actual objective. This needs to happen after cp's are defined
conquest = ObjectiveConquest:New{teamATT = ATT, teamDEF = DEF,
textATT = "game.modes.con",
textDEF = "game.modes.con2",
multiplayerRules = true}

--This adds the CPs to the objective. This needs to happen after the objective is set up

herosupport = AIHeroSupport:New{AIATTHeroHealth = 5000, AIDEFHeroHealth = 3000, gameMode = "NonConquest",}
herosupport:SetHeroClass(REP, "rep_hero_nameofhero")
herosupport:SetHeroClass(CIS, "cis_hero_nameofhero")


9- Now this is a VERY important part, the "SetHeroClass" function can only be used once for each team. If it is used a second time, nasty stuff will likely happen. Go through the script and remove all uses of the "SetHeroClass" function, except for the two you added earlier of course, so there won't be any problems. Your final script should have at most only two (2) mentions of "SetHeroClass". Don't forget about your text editor's search function when making sure this is so.

Now as of this point there should be AI controlled heroes running around your map but they should only be the ones that you called from the cis and rep side and put in the hero support script here

herosupport:SetHeroClass(REP, "rep_hero_nameofhero")
herosupport:SetHeroClass(CIS, "cis_hero_nameofhero")

Now for the randomness...
If you take math or know math at all you are familiar with probability and the nCr (read n choose r) function defined as n!/r!(n-r)! anyway done with the math lesson we will be using a .lua function which does just this

it is called math.random now you need to decide how many random heroes you would like in your map for the sake of this tutorial we will have 3

this script will tell the game how many heros we want paste this into the .lua right under
function ScriptPostLoad()
[code]heroRep = 0
heroCis = 0

herocisand = math.random(1, 3)

if herocisand == 1 then
heroCis = "cis_hero_heroname1"

elseif herocisand == 2 then
heroCis = "cis_hero_heroname2"

elseif herocisand == 3 then
heroCis = "cis_hero_heroname3"


herorepand = math.random(1, 3)

if herorepand == 1 then
heroRep = "rep_hero_heroname1"

elseif herorepand == 2 then
heroRep = "rep_hero_heroname2"

elseif herorepand == 3 then
heroRep = "rep_hero_heroname3"

what this does is assign each hero to a number 1, 2, or 3 then it tells the game to pick one of those numbers for each team and that is the hero

this can be adapted for ALL and IMP just add this in instead
[code]heroImp = 0
heroAll = 0

heroalland = math.random(1, 3)

if heroalland == 1 then
heroAll = "all_hero_heroname3"

elseif heroalland == 2 then
heroAll = "all_hero_heroname2"

elseif heroalland == 3 then
heroAll = "all_hero_heroname3"


heroimpand = math.random(1, 3)

if heroimpand == 1 then
heroImp = "imp_hero_heroname1"

elseif heroimpand == 2 then
heroImp = "imp_hero_heroname2"

elseif heroimpand == 3 then
heroImp = "imp_hero_heroname3"

again this can be adapted for more than 3 heros just add more numbers
ie heroimpand = math.random(1, #) #=integer >1 and then add

elseif heroimpand == # then
heroImp = "imp_hero_heroname3" for the number of numbers you have (make it so it looks like the rest of the hero calls above it)

now this script isn't done yet you must call your heros with the hero support script

change these lines
herosupport:SetHeroClass(REP, "rep_hero_nameofhero")
herosupport:SetHeroClass(CIS, "cis_hero_nameofhero")
herosupport:SetHeroClass(CIS, heroCis)
herosupport:SetHeroClass(REP, heroRep)

this will tell the .lua to apply hero support on the hero that pops out of our random function

now we must make sure that the map will work in MP random heroes will crash multiplayer so we must add if not ScriptCB_InMultiplayer() then above where the hero support starts

all and all it should look like this
[code]if not ScriptCB_InMultiplayer() then
herosupport = AIHeroSupport:New{AIATTHeroHealth = 5000, AIDEFHeroHealth = 3000, gameMode = "Conquest",}
herosupport:SetHeroClass(CIS, heroCis)
herosupport:SetHeroClass(REP, heroRep)

pay attention to the ends at the end there should be 2 of them

now since there are only heroes during SP how about adding them in MP (they will not be random)
copy these lines

if ScriptCB_InMultiplayer() then
heroCis = "cis_hero_heroname"
heroRep = "rep_hero_heroname"
right under

you can pick any hero you want to be here it will just not be random

now lastly under where the setupteams section is add in the hero lines that you prieviously deleted for acher's script

all and all it should look like this under where the cis units are called
[code]cis = {
team = CIS,
units = 20,
reinforcements = 150,
soldier = { "cis_inf_rifleman",9, 25},
assault = { "cis_inf_rocketeer",1, 4},
engineer = { "cis_inf_engineer",1, 4},
sniper = { "cis_inf_sniper",1, 4},
officer = {"cis_inf_officer",1, 4},
special = { "cis_inf_droideka",1, 4},

if ScriptCB_InMultiplayer() then
SetHeroClass(CIS, heroCis)
SetHeroClass(REP, heroRep)
end [/code]
this will allow heroes to appear in multiplayer and not crash multiplayer

the final script will look like this
-- Copyright (c) 2005 Pandemic Studios, LLC. All rights reserved.

-- load the gametype script

-- REP Attacking (attacker is always #1)
REP = 1;
CIS = 2;
-- These variables do not change

function ScriptPostLoad()
heroRep = 0
heroCis = 0

herocisand = math.random(1, 3)

if herocisand == 1 then
heroCis = "cis_hero_heroname1"

elseif herocisand == 2 then
heroCis = "cis_hero_heroname2"

elseif herocisand == 3 then
heroCis = "cis_hero_heroname3"


herorepand = math.random(1, 3)

if herorepand == 1 then
heroRep = "rep_hero_heroname1"

elseif herorepand == 2 then
heroRep = "rep_hero_heroname2"

elseif herorepand == 3 then
heroRep = "rep_hero_heroname3"


--This defines the CPs. These need to happen first
cp1 = CommandPost:New{name = "cp1"}
cp2 = CommandPost:New{name = "cp2"}
cp3 = CommandPost:New{name = "cp3"}
cp4 = CommandPost:New{name = "cp4"}

--This sets up the actual objective. This needs to happen after cp's are defined
conquest = ObjectiveConquest:New{teamATT = ATT, teamDEF = DEF,
textATT = "game.modes.con",
textDEF = "game.modes.con2",
multiplayerRules = true}

--This adds the CPs to the objective. This needs to happen after the objective is set up

if not ScriptCB_InMultiplayer() then
herosupport = AIHeroSupport:New{AIATTHeroHealth = 5000, AIDEFHeroHealth = 3000, gameMode = "Conquest",}
herosupport:SetHeroClass(CIS, heroCis)
herosupport:SetHeroClass(REP, heroRep)



-- FUNCTION: ScriptInit
-- PURPOSE: This function is only run once
-- NOTES: The name, 'ScriptInit' is a chosen convention, and each
-- mission script must contain a version of this function, as
-- it is called from C to start the mission.
function ScriptInit()


if ScriptCB_InMultiplayer() then
heroCis = "cis_hero_heroname1"
heroRep = "rep_hero_heroname1"
SetMaxPlayerFlyHeight (30)

SetMemoryPoolSize("SoldierAnimation", 600)

SetMemoryPoolSize ("Combo",50) -- should be ~ 2x number of jedi classes
SetMemoryPoolSize ("Combo::State",650) -- should be ~12x #Combo
SetMemoryPoolSize ("Combo::Transition",650) -- should be a bit bigger than #Combo::State
SetMemoryPoolSize ("Combo::Condition",650) -- should be a bit bigger than #Combo::State
SetMemoryPoolSize ("Combo::Attack",550) -- should be ~8-12x #Combo
SetMemoryPoolSize ("Combo::DamageSample",6000) -- should be ~8-12x #Combo::Attack
SetMemoryPoolSize ("Combo::Deflect",100) -- should be ~1x #combo

"rep_hero_heroname1", --name of first hero
"rep_hero_heroname2", --name of second hero
"rep_hero_heroname3", --name of third hero
"cis_hero_heroname1", --name of first hero
"cis_hero_heroname2", --name of second hero
"cis_hero_heroname3", --name of third hero


rep = {
team = REP,
units = 20,
reinforcements = 150,
soldier = { "rep_inf_ep3_rifleman",9, 25},
assault = { "rep_inf_ep3_rocketeer",1, 4},
engineer = { "rep_inf_ep3_engineer",1, 4},
sniper = { "rep_inf_ep3_sniper",1, 4},
officer = {"rep_inf_ep3_officer",1, 4},
special = { "rep_inf_ep3_jettrooper",1, 4},

cis = {
team = CIS,
units = 20,
reinforcements = 150,
soldier = { "cis_inf_rifleman",9, 25},
assault = { "cis_inf_rocketeer",1, 4},
engineer = { "cis_inf_engineer",1, 4},
sniper = { "cis_inf_sniper",1, 4},
officer = {"cis_inf_officer",1, 4},
special = { "cis_inf_droideka",1, 4},

if ScriptCB_InMultiplayer() then
SetHeroClass(CIS, heroCis)
SetHeroClass(REP, heroRep)

-- Level Stats
-- ClearWalkers()
AddWalkerType(0, 4) -- special -> droidekas
AddWalkerType(1, 0) -- 1x2 (1 pair of legs)
AddWalkerType(2, 0) -- 2x2 (2 pairs of legs)
AddWalkerType(3, 0) -- 3x2 (3 pairs of legs)
local weaponCnt = 1024
SetMemoryPoolSize("Aimer", 75)
SetMemoryPoolSize("AmmoCounter", weaponCnt)
SetMemoryPoolSize("BaseHint", 1024)
SetMemoryPoolSize("EnergyBar", weaponCnt)
SetMemoryPoolSize("EntityCloth", 32)
SetMemoryPoolSize("EntityFlyer", 32)
SetMemoryPoolSize("EntityHover", 32)
SetMemoryPoolSize("EntityLight", 200)
SetMemoryPoolSize ("ClothData",20)
SetMemoryPoolSize("EntitySoundStream", 4)
SetMemoryPoolSize("EntitySoundStatic", 32)
SetMemoryPoolSize("MountedTurret", 32)
SetMemoryPoolSize("Navigator", 128)
SetMemoryPoolSize("Obstacle", 1024)
SetMemoryPoolSize("PathNode", 1024)
SetMemoryPoolSize("SoundSpaceRegion", 64)
SetMemoryPoolSize("TreeGridStack", 1024)
SetMemoryPoolSize("UnitAgent", 128)
SetMemoryPoolSize("UnitController", 128)
SetMemoryPoolSize("Weapon", weaponCnt)

SetSpawnDelay(10.0, 0.25)
--ReadDataFile("dc:@#$\\@#$.lvl", "@#$_conquest")
ReadDataFile("dc:@#$\\@#$.lvl", "@#$_conquest")

-- Sound

SetSoundEffect("ScopeDisplayZoomIn", "binocularzoomin")
SetSoundEffect("ScopeDisplayZoomOut", "binocularzoomout")

voiceSlow = OpenAudioStream("sound\\global.lvl", "rep_unit_vo_slow")
AudioStreamAppendSegments("sound\\global.lvl", "cis_unit_vo_slow", voiceSlow)
AudioStreamAppendSegments("sound\\global.lvl", "global_vo_slow", voiceSlow)

voiceQuick = OpenAudioStream("sound\\global.lvl", "rep_unit_vo_quick")
AudioStreamAppendSegments("sound\\global.lvl", "cis_unit_vo_quick", voiceQuick)

OpenAudioStream("sound\\global.lvl", "cw_music")
-- OpenAudioStream("sound\\global.lvl", "global_vo_quick")
-- OpenAudioStream("sound\\global.lvl", "global_vo_slow")
OpenAudioStream("sound\\yav.lvl", "yav1")
OpenAudioStream("sound\\yav.lvl", "yav1")
OpenAudioStream("sound\\yav.lvl", "yav1_emt")

SetBleedingVoiceOver(REP, REP, "rep_off_com_report_us_overwhelmed", 1)
SetBleedingVoiceOver(REP, CIS, "rep_off_com_report_enemy_losing", 1)
SetBleedingVoiceOver(CIS, REP, "cis_off_com_report_enemy_losing", 1)
SetBleedingVoiceOver(CIS, CIS, "cis_off_com_report_us_overwhelmed", 1)

SetOutOfBoundsVoiceOver(2, "cisleaving")
SetOutOfBoundsVoiceOver(1, "repleaving")

SetAmbientMusic(REP, 1.0, "rep_yav_amb_start", 0,1)
SetAmbientMusic(REP, 0.8, "rep_yav_amb_middle", 1,1)
SetAmbientMusic(REP, 0.2, "rep_yav_amb_end", 2,1)
SetAmbientMusic(CIS, 1.0, "cis_yav_amb_start", 0,1)
SetAmbientMusic(CIS, 0.8, "cis_yav_amb_middle", 1,1)
SetAmbientMusic(CIS, 0.2, "cis_yav_amb_end", 2,1)

SetVictoryMusic(REP, "rep_yav_amb_victory")
SetDefeatMusic (REP, "rep_yav_amb_defeat")
SetVictoryMusic(CIS, "cis_yav_amb_victory")
SetDefeatMusic (CIS, "cis_yav_amb_defeat")

SetSoundEffect("ScopeDisplayZoomIn", "binocularzoomin")
SetSoundEffect("ScopeDisplayZoomOut", "binocularzoomout")
--SetSoundEffect("BirdScatter", "birdsFlySeq1")
--SetSoundEffect("WeaponUnableSelect", "com_weap_inf_weaponchange_null")
--SetSoundEffect("WeaponModeUnableSelect", "com_weap_inf_modechange_null")
SetSoundEffect("SpawnDisplayUnitChange", "shell_select_unit")
SetSoundEffect("SpawnDisplayUnitAccept", "shell_menu_enter")
SetSoundEffect("SpawnDisplaySpawnPointChange", "shell_select_change")
SetSoundEffect("SpawnDisplaySpawnPointAccept", "shell_menu_enter")
SetSoundEffect("SpawnDisplayBack", "shell_menu_exit")

AddCameraShot(0.908386, -0.209095, -0.352873, -0.081226, -45.922508, -19.114113, 77.022636);

AddCameraShot(-0.481173, 0.024248, -0.875181, -0.044103, 14.767292, -30.602322, -144.506851);
AddCameraShot(0.999914, -0.012495, -0.004416, -0.000055, 1.143253, -33.602314, -76.884430);
AddCameraShot(0.839161, 0.012048, -0.543698, 0.007806, 19.152437, -49.802273, 24.337317);
AddCameraShot(0.467324, 0.006709, -0.883972, 0.012691, 11.825212, -49.802273, -7.000720);
AddCameraShot(0.861797, 0.001786, -0.507253, 0.001051, -11.986043, -59.702248, 23.263165);
AddCameraShot(0.628546, -0.042609, -0.774831, -0.052525, 20.429928, -48.302277, 9.771714);
AddCameraShot(0.765213, -0.051873, 0.640215, 0.043400, 57.692474, -48.302277, 16.540724);
AddCameraShot(0.264032, -0.015285, -0.962782, -0.055734, -16.681797, -42.902290, 129.553268);
AddCameraShot(-0.382320, 0.022132, -0.922222, -0.053386, 20.670977, -42.902290, 135.513001);

That is pretty much it just make sure that you have all 3 heroes called or however many you want.

Just a note this will cause the hero to appear below the last unit on the select screen so if you have 7 units it will appear somewhat off the screen this cannot be fixed.

If you have any questions email me at yankfan1950 at gmail dot com or just PM me here at GT if you use this credit Maveritchell for the TFU herosupport script which is what this is based of of Archer01 for his script and I would like credit as well for putting it all together

Re: How to add random AI controlled heroes to your map

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 10:30 pm
by obiboba3po
nice job yank, im sure many people will use this :D

Re: How to add random AI controlled heroes to your map (FAQ)

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 8:14 am
by Was_ser
Where can I find Archer's script?

Re: How to add random AI controlled heroes to your map (FAQ)

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 8:29 am
by skelltor
coulde this be modded to use units instead of heros?(the random part)

Re: How to add random AI controlled heroes to your map (FAQ)

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 11:11 am
by DarthD.U.C.K.
Was_ser wrote:WCIF Archer's script?
what do you mean? in case you are asking where you can donwload it: i would check either the assetslistthread or the everythingyouneedthread

@skelltor:yes, it would just like people already said in this thread

Re: How to add random AI controlled heroes to your map (FAQ)

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 12:46 pm
by Was_ser
I found script topic here
and download is here